Examination of plans for conversion, merger, other under the Companies Act

Carrying out the transformation of companies requires the development of a plan of transformation, which, in order to increase the reliability of the information contained therein, is compulsorily audited by a certified public accountant for accuracy and reliability. Moore Polska also provides services for the examination of transformation plans, mergers and other obligations under the Companies Act.

How do we research?

Getting to know your business, organization, accounting system, financial situation 
Develop a plan and strategy for the study 
Conducting the survey 
Review of events after the date of the transformation plan 
Preparation of a written opinion on the plan of transformation of companies 

Why use the support of Moore Polska?

The purpose of the examination of the transformation plan is to issue an opinion to the shareholders of the transformed company that the management of the transformed company has prepared the transformation plan in accordance with the applicable law. 

In addition, he correctly and reliably determined the carrying value of the assets of the converted company and the value of the shares. 

The auditor also examines whether the financial statements prepared for the purpose of the restatement comply with the law and with the contract or articles of incorporation, as to form and content, applicable to the entity, and whether they present fairly and clearly all information relevant to the entity.

Contact the specialist of your choice

Managing Partner, CEO
+48 601 796 009
Managing Partner, CEO
Partner, Founder
+48 503 049 691
Partner, Managing Director of the Audit Department, Board Member
+48 503 049 692
Partner, Managing Director of the Audit Department, Board Member
+48 502 260 988
Katowice, Bielsko-Biala, Zywiec
Director of the Audit Department 
+48 501 015 508
Key Account Director
+48 601 256 661
Certified Auditor No. 9618
+48 570 006 652
Certified Auditor No. 12420
+48 693 225 192
Audit Director
+48 887 330 134

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Audit Services

Blog articles on Auditing

W ostatnich latach na polskim rynku audytu doszło do rewolucji, która wyraźnie odmieniła krajobraz tej branży. Jednym z kluczowych graczy, który wybił się w tym przetasowaniu, jest niekwestionowanie firma Moore Polska. 
Jeśli zastanawiasz się kiedy i w jaki sposób wprowadzić zmiany w zasadach (polityce) rachunkowości poniższy artykuł przeprowadzi Cię szczęśliwie przez zawiłe labirynty przepisów prawnych.