Other auditor’s work – attestation, related work and expert reports and analysis

The purpose of attestation services is to help customers solve their specific problems and keep their businesses safe. We are here to help your business grow sustainably, selecting the optimal tools to do so.

Attestation work provided by Moore Polska

Prepare or update accounting policies

Prepare consultations or studies on key accounting issues on IFRS/UOR/INNE standards

Attestation services for individual company needs

Verification of trademark valuation

Assurance services that relate to projected financial information prepared for financial institutions

Designing and updating chart of accounts

Post-implementation reviews of accounting and consolidation systems

Tax optimization and deferred tax solutions

System solutions for IFRS reporting and Polish reporting

Consolidation sheet

Conducting opinion audits on tax relief proposals (for example, electricity excise tax relief)

Conduct audits of other public and legal charges (for example, RES fee relief)

Why use the support of Moore Polska?

Moore Polska performs various types of analyses that relate to accounting methods and accounting systems. We develop opinions that confirm the correctness of the accounting solutions used and indicate the correct ones. We prepare a range of accounting and reporting advice.

Attestation and consulting services performed by our auditors are based on a good understanding of the client’s needs, completing the task set before us in a timeframe that allows the client to solve the problem quickly, as well as taking into account the various levels of the order being carried out.

We focus on an empathetic, dialogue-based partnership – you are the most important to us and we are happy to answer all your questions and address any concerns. 

Contact the specialist of your choice

Managing Partner, CEO
+48 601 796 009
Managing Partner, CEO
Partner, Founder
+48 503 049 691
Partner, Managing Director of the Audit Department, Board Member
+48 503 049 692
Partner, Managing Director of the Audit Department, Board Member
+48 502 260 988
Zywiec, Bielsko-Biala, Katowice
Director of the Audit Department, Commercial Proxy 
+48 601 365 848
Director of the Audit Department 
+48 501 015 508
Key Account Director
+48 601 256 661
Certified Auditor No. 9618
+48 570 006 652
Certified Auditor No. 12420
+48 693 225 192
Audit Director
+48 887 330 134

Meet the companies that trusted us

Take the first step and take advantage of individual support offer for your company

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Let's discuss your needs

We will contact you to learn more about your needs and establish terms of cooperation. Depending on your preference – we can correspond by email or meet in person

Indicate individual scope of service

We will provide you with an offer tailored to your individual needs 

Make a good decision

Once you accept the offer, we will prepare and send you a contract

Take advantage of our support

Our experts start working on your order



Fill out the form

Fill in the information needed to contact you about preparing an offer.

Audit Services

Blog articles on Auditing

W ostatnich latach na polskim rynku audytu doszło do rewolucji, która wyraźnie odmieniła krajobraz tej branży. Jednym z kluczowych graczy, który wybił się w tym przetasowaniu, jest niekwestionowanie firma Moore Polska. 
Jeśli zastanawiasz się kiedy i w jaki sposób wprowadzić zmiany w zasadach (polityce) rachunkowości poniższy artykuł przeprowadzi Cię szczęśliwie przez zawiłe labirynty przepisów prawnych. 
Rozliczenie połączenia spółek metodą nabycia według polskiego prawa bilansowego i Międzynarodowych Standardów Sprawozdawczości Finansowej.