
Moore Polska has more than 30 years of experience in providing outsourcing services, backed by many successes.

We support our clients at every stage, performing the tasks entrusted to us with complete professionalism and attention to detail. Our experts listen carefully, drawing conclusions and optimizing processes. With us, you will increase the efficiency of your accounting service and minimize costs and operational risks!

Our outsourcing services will ensure the continuity of your business and the ability to completely focus on your core business.

How can we help your company?

Get support from a team of more than 250 Moore Polska experts and specialists

Full accounts 

We keep full books of account

Book reviews 

We carry out reviews of accounting books and tax settlements

Complicated reporting 

We prepare financial reports for management needs individually tailored to the client

Book management 

We manage group accounts. Comprehensive ledgers are our specialty!


We maintain tax revenue and expense books

e-Financial Reports 

We prepare e-financial statements

Financial analysis 

We analyze the financial results

Accounting supervision 

We provide accounting supervision

Accounting support 

We support auditors and tax audits

Accounting consulting 

We advise on accounting in day-to-day operations

Tax settlements 

We prepare income tax (CIT) settlements and tax returns VAT, VAT-EU, JPK_VAT)

Other tax and fee settlements 

We prepare information and reporting settlements related to our operations

Accounting Services

Who we work with

We are not afraid of complex reporting or reporting. We work with small, medium and large companies. Our clients include small and medium-sized enterprises (companies with 50 to 250 employees) and large companies (with more than 250 employees). Our portfolio includes clients with up to more than 1,000 employees!

Meet the companies that trusted us

Contact the specialist of your choice

Partner, Managing Director of the Accounting Services Department, Board Member
+48 501 644 320
Partner, Managing Director of the Accounting Services Department, Board Member
+48 505 223 074
Lodz, Warsaw
Partner, Director of the Accounting Services Department, Commercial Proxy
+48 505 223 086
Gdynia, Gdansk-Oliwa
Partner, Key Projects Director, Commercial Proxy 
+48 602 267 884
Partner, Deputy Director of the Accounting Services Department, Commercial Proxy
+48 505 524 920
Director of Accounting Services Department
+ 48 506 461 813

Take the first step and take advantage of individual support offer for your company

Leave your details

Fill out the form

Let's discuss your needs

We will contact you to learn more about your needs and establish terms of cooperation. Depending on your preference – we can correspond by email or meet in person

Indicate individual scope of service

We will provide you with an offer tailored to your individual needs 

Make a good decision

Once you accept the offer, we will prepare and send you a contract

Take advantage of our support

Our experts start working on your order



Fill out the form

Fill in the information needed to contact you about preparing an offer.

Blog articles on Accounting

Polskie firmy, niektóre boleśnie doświadczone przez pandemię covid-19, a następnie przez sytuację w Ukrainie, inflację, a nawet zmiany podatkowe, coraz częściej zmuszone są podjąć trudną decyzję o likwidacji swojej działalności. Nie jest ona łatwa i wiąże się z szeregiem obowiązków, począwszy od prawnych, wynikających z przepisów Kodeksu spółek handlowych, a kończąc na księgowych, które narzuca ustawa o rachunkowości. 
Analiza finansowa to w podstawa oceny zdolności kredytowej przedsiębiorstwa. Czym jest analiza rentowności? Jakie są jej rodzaje? 
Analiza finansowa to w podstawa oceny zdolności kredytowej przedsiębiorstwa. Czym jest zatem analiza obrotowości? Jakie są jej rodzaje? 

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