Remote work – regulations and equivalence

Remote work is one of the latest issues added to the Labor Code. Its introduction entails a number of obligations for employers and rights for employees. The regulations in this area are not specific and clear, so we are happy to take on the task of clarifying the complexities and creating documentation, regulations and costing.

At Moore Polska, we work in an interdisciplinary manner – our HR and payroll departments, in support of our legal departments, will be happy to take care of this intricate area of labor law for your company.

How can we help your company?

Get support from a team of more than 250 Moore Polska experts and specialists

Regulations for remote work 

We will prepare regulations for remote work in the interdisciplinary legal and human resources team

Documentation and procedures 

We will prepare the applications and declarations necessary to perform remote work OR Provide sample applications and declarations necessary to perform remote work; Provide support on data protection procedures

Cost calculator 

We have tools to estimate the cost of remote work)

Questions and answers

It can be carried out entirely or partially at the place designated by the employee and agreed with the employer in each case, including the employee’s home address.

  • when concluding an employment contract
  • or in the course of employment – on the initiative of the employer or at the written request of the employee.

Among others:

  • pregnant workers;
  • employee – parent of a child with a disability certificate or a certificate of moderate or severe disability
  • An employee raising a child until the child’s 4th birthday. year of age;
  • employee caring for another member of the immediate family
    or another person in a joint household,
  • Those with a disability certificate or a severe disability certificate.
  • group or groups of employees who may be covered by remote work;
  • The rules for covering the employer’s costs;
  • rules for determining the cash equivalent or lump sum for remote work,
  • The rules of communication between the employer and the remote worker, including how the remote worker confirms his presence at the workplace;
  • The rules for controlling the performance of an employee performing remote work;
  • principles of control in the field of occupational health and safety;
  • Principles for monitoring compliance with information security and protection requirements, including procedures for the protection of personal data;
  • rules for installation, inventory, maintenance, software updates and servicing of work tools entrusted to the employee, including technical equipment.
  • Provide materials and work tools, including technical equipment, necessary to perform remote work;
  • provide installation, service, maintenance of work tools, including technical equipment, or cover the necessary costs related thereto, as well as cover the costs of electricity and telecommunications services necessary for the performance of remote work;
  • pay costs other than those specified above directly related to the performance of remote work, if the reimbursement of such costs is specified in the agreement or regulations,
  • Provide the training and technical assistance necessary to perform this work.

Allowing an employee to perform remote work is subject to the employee’s submission, which includes confirmation that safe and hygienic conditions for such work are provided at the remote workstation at the location designated by the employee and agreed with the employer.

Remote work may be performed occasionally, at the request of the employee submitted on paper or electronically, not exceeding 24 days per calendar year.

Contact the specialist of your choice

Partner, Managing Director of the Accounting Services Department, Board Member
+48 505 223 074
Warsaw, Lodz
Partner, Director of the Accounting Services Department, Commercial Proxy
+48 505 223 086
Gdansk-Oliwa, Gdynia
Partner, Key Projects Director, Commercial Proxy 
+48 602 267 884

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Human Resources and Payroll 

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Human Resources and Payroll Services

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