Chcesz założyć i prowadzić spółkę z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (sp. z o. o.) w Polsce i potrzebujesz pomocy?
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Zapoznaj się z naszym Przewodnikiem po zakładaniu i funkcjonowaniu sp. z o.o. w Polsce – znajdziesz w nim odpowiedzi na najbardziej nurtujące nowych przedsiębiorców pytania: procedury rejestracyjne, wymogi prawne, struktury zarządu, kapitał zakładowy oraz obowiązki podatkowe i rejestrowe.
Moore Polska Tax & Legal oferuje kompleksową obsługę w zakresie zakładania i rejestracji spółki z o.o. w Polsce, w tym wsparcie prawne przy zawarciu umowy, rejestracji w KRS, zgłoszeniu beneficjentów rzeczywistych oraz zakładaniu rachunku bankowego. Dodatkowo zajmujemy się rejestracjami podatkowymi, umożliwiając klientom skoncentrowanie się na rozwoju biznesu.
Stworzenie dokumentacji dotyczącej zasad funkcjonowania spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w Polsce, w szczególności podstawowych obowiązków spółki oraz metod jej reprezentacji
Działamy sprawnie i skutecznie, zawsze wybierając optymalne i bezpieczne rozwiązanie.
Jesteśmy zespołem specjalistów i ekspertów,
ale przede wszystkim – praktyków, którzy pozostają w stałym kontakcie z każdym Klientem.
Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo i chronimy interesy w przypadku kontroli podatkowej.
Przewodnik po zakładaniu
i funkcjonowaniu sp. z o.o.
w Polsce
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The limited liability company is the legal form of a company formed by one or more persons/entities, called shareholders, who are liable for the obligations of the company to a limited extent. This is common form of running business in European countries. Limited liability company, apart from sole proprietorships, is the most popular form of conducting business activity in Poland currently. This legal form, with significantly low minimum capital requirements (minimum of PLN 5000 share capital – approx. euro 1150), allows to run business with relatively low risk.
To create limited liability company in Poland in the conventional way (not via internet) the following elementary steps must be concluded*:
* There is a possibility to create a limited liability company online. However, this method is limited to basic contract templates only and requires additional obligations to be met (the appointment of an attorney with a PESEL number, for instance). In order to protect the interests of the shareholders and the future company to the maximum extent by conclusion of comprehensive company’s contract, we recommend conclusion of the company’s contract and registration of the company in the traditional manner (in the form of notary deed).
The company’s contract must be concluded in the form of a notarial deed.
Upon conclusion of the company’s contract by notarial deed, a company has to be registered in the National Court Register. To have this done, several court motions need to be populated and executed by members of the Management Board (of the new company) or by a proxy. Additional statements of all members of the Management Board must always be attached to the court motion.
Limited liability company consists of two obligatory and one facultative body:
The duties of the shareholders’ meeting include adopting resolutions on the matters specified in the articles of association and in the Polish Commercial Code, i.a:
The annual shareholders’ meeting should be held within six months after the end of each financial year. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders shall be convened in the cases specified in Polish Commercial Code or in the articles of association, as well as when the bodies or persons authorized to convene meetings deem it advisable.
Main information related to Management Board:
In companies where the share capital exceeds 500,000 PLN and there are more than twenty-five shareholders, a supervisory board or an audit committee must be established.
A share capital of the limited liability company should amount to at least PLN 5000:
The company must have an official address.
We recommend that companies be registered at the address where correspondence will be received. The company can be registered at the virtual office address.
Formal change of the company’s address during its operation is relatively simple and inexpensive procedure, however, it requires filing an appropriate application to the National Court Register.
Please be informed that Moore Polska Sp. z o.o. offers address’ services for the companies.
According to polish law, core activities of the company have to be indicated in both – the company contract and National Court Register.
There is a closed catalog of types of business activity set in the Polish legal system, that can be conducted by entrepreneurs called the „Polish Classification of Business Activity”. A browser of such codes together with a description of each activity (also in English) can be found at the following address .
While registering the limited liability company, company’s activities have to be indicated (in both company’s contract and court motions to National Court Register). The National Court Register lists a maximum of ten objects of activity of the company.
This catalogue, as other details mentioned above, may be changed in the future by relatively non-complex and rather low-cost procedure.
* We might be provided with description of anticipated activities of the future companies upon which relevant classification from the national catalogue will be proposed by us.
A limited liability company cannot be formed solely by another single-member limited liability company.
A limited liability company can be formed solely by one shareholder (individual). At that point following rules apply:
In accordance with Polish law, when registering a company each Member of the Management Board of the company and each shareholder of the company is obliged to designate its own address for service. If aforesaid address is designated outside of EU, such Member/shareholder is obliged to appoint a proxy for services’ purposes located in Poland.
When it comes to the shareholders who are not individuals – not such shareholder itself but representatives of such shareholder(s) are obliged to designate such address within EU or if address is outside EU – appoint a proxy for services’ purposes located in Poland.
The usual and most convenient practice is to designate as the address for service the address of the newly established Polish company.
In accordance with Polish law, conducting or receiving payments connected with the business activity by the company shall be done through its bank account. Thus, conclusion of bank account agreement is necessary to thrive.
*Moore Polska Sp. z o.o. may offers services related to opening a bank account by the company (as proxy services).
Shareholders may participate in a shareholders meeting by means of electronic communication, unless the articles of association provide otherwise. Participation in the meeting of shareholders in the manner referred to in the first sentence is decided by the person calling the meeting.
The supervisory board or, if there is no such board, the shareholders shall determine, in the form of bylaws, detailed rules for participation in the meeting of shareholders by means of electronic communication. The bylaws must not set requirements and limitations to participate in such meeting that are not necessary for identifying shareholders and ensuring the security of electronic communication.
The assignment of a tax identification number (“NIP”) and National Official Register of Economic Entities number (“REGON”)* occurs automatically upon registration of the company in the National Court Register. This assignment is free of charge and is not subject to any announcements.
What is important, the company, within 21 days from the date of registration in the National Court Register, is obliged to submit an identification declaration with supplementary data on form NIP-8 to the tax office (This is additional information, such as a bank account number or place of business).
Moreover, taking into account the regulations of the social insurance system act, the notification (on form NIP-8) should be made within 7 days from the date of employing the first employee or from the date of establishing a legal relationship justifying the inclusion of the first person in the pension and disability insurance.
Due to the Polish AML’s requirements, the newly created company is also obliged to register the beneficial owner in the Central Register of Beneficiaries (CRBR). The registration must be made within 7 days from the date of company’s registration in the National Court Register.
*REGON is a register kept by the President of the Central Statistical Office mainly for statistical purposes.
The registration of the company in the National Court Register does not automatically make it a VAT payer (a separate registration in the tax office is required).
Registration for value added tax applies to companies independently performing economic activity as producers, traders, service providers, including entities acquiring natural resources, farmers.
The registration as a VAT taxpayer is obligatory for a company which:
The application should be submitted to the tax office: