Moore Global network 

As of September 2020, Moore Polska is part of the Moore Global network. The network recorded revenue of $3,945.2 million (up 11%) from membership fees in 2021. These results give Moore Global the twelfth position among international networks, both in terms of fees and in-house employment.

Moore Global network in AIB 2023 international ranking

According to global service rankings by service, Moore Global’s network ranks as follows:

The amount of fees to the network
0 location
Global employment
0 location
AUDITING SERVICES - $1,448.5 million;
0 location
TAX CONSULTING SERVICES - $1 162.6 million;
0 location
ACCOUNTING SERVICES - $486.7 million;
0 location
CONSULTING SERVICES - $586.2 million;
0 location

We help you grow in a rapidly changing world

Moore Global’s main motto is to help us thrive in a rapidly changing world – our customers, our employees and the communities in which they live and work. And with accessibility – Moore Global employs more than 34,000 people in 522 offices, in 112 countries – the network is undoubtedly achieving these goals. And Moore Polska proudly and passionately contributes to this. 

Moore Global network
in the IAB 2023 international ranking*

*Drawn from International Accounting Bulletin Report – February 2023.


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