Moore Polska sp. z o. o.
Street. Grzybowska 87,
00-844 Warsaw
KRS: 0000879601
NIP: 5833420125
REGON: 388067740
Share capital: 85,750 PLN
Moore Polska Audyt sp. z o. o.
Street. Grzybowska 87,
00-844 Warsaw
Registration number on the list of audit firms: 4326
KRS: 0000922603
NIP: 7011052300
REGON: 520003823
Share capital: PLN 200,000
Moore Południe sp. z o. o.
Street. Michalowicza 12,
43-300 Bielsko-Biala
KRS 0000311108
NIP 5472091768
REGON 240955760
Share capital: PLN 50,000
Moore Polska Tax & Legal Drożdż-Wilk Szczesiak Rozwadowski sp. k.
Street. Grzybowska 87,
00-844 Warsaw
KRS: 0001091834
NIP: 5273104787
REGON: 528137457
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